Frequently asked questions

What products does Suncious Farm offer?
Suncious Farm offers a wide range of organic products ,Snails, Ukwa, rice fish, egg, chicken and other farm-fresh products grown using sustainable farming practices.
Suncious Farm is located in eastern part of Nigeria.
Yes, all of our products are grown using organic farming methods.
You can purchase Suncious Farm products through our website
Yes, we offer delivery options for customers within our delivery locations. Please check our website for more information on delivery zones and fees.
Our return policy allows customers to return unopened and unused items within 3 days of purchase. Please see our return policy for more details.

Yes, we offer wholesale options for businesses interested in sourcing our organic products. Please contact our wholesale department for more information. Get more details by reaching out to

Yes, we offer seasonal products based on what is in harvest at our farm. Be sure to check our website or subscribe to our newsletter for updates on seasonal specials and promotions.